Termbase and editor's interface
The termbase (terminology database) is the core of any i-Term solution. A simple web based user interface allows you to edit the contents and change settings for the entire system.
The encrypted data communication, whether on a company intranet or on the internet, allow editors to work safely and simultaneously from any number of locations.
Example - editors' interface

A concept-oriented termbase
Information in ordinary dictionaries is traditionally presented as articles. Every article contains one single term to which there may be several meanings with several examples etc.
In i-Term's termbase, focus is on the concept. That is, every terminological article contains information on one single concept. The definition of this concept is the central part of the article.
In a concept-oriented termbase, the article contains information on a concept’s definition and one or more terms that are synonyms. In many cases, to ensure a uniform language and thus improve quality, you would prefer to prioritize among synonyms and choose a preferred term. However, you wish to register known synonyms in the termbase, as it would be possible for the user to find the relevant information regardless of which term you search for.
Beyond this information i-Term can also store relations to other concepts. This is the key to displaying your organization's knowledge by simply drawing the relations in the i-Model diagram tool.